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As the saying goes, " first in Shichahai, and later Beijing city ", Shishahai is a good place to recreation for old Beijing people . Because of its beautiful environment, and profound cultural background, it has attracted many tourists in more than two hundred years.

Now, as we can see ,Beijing city become more and more modern,the old folk place in Beijing is less and less,but in Shichahai, we still can hear the crisp autumn insects, and we still can see the old building group. " Visit Shichahai, see old Beijing ", tea, boating, swimming, visiting the alley, more pure Beijing accent, making Shichahai stars.




The silver ingot bridge is located on the waterway between Qianhai and Houhai of Shichahai in Xicheng District. It is a north and South single - hole stone arch bridge, which cross the two seas from north to south. It is 12 meters long, 7 meters wide, 8 meters high, 5 meters in span, 5 pieces of hollow cloud flower balustrade, and 6 Cui vase columns which named silver ingot Bridge because of its shape like a silver ingot. Shichahai is one of the scenery, one of the eight small Yanjing scenery.


第3站:后  海

"hai",in Chinese,means "Sea", but,in fact, it is a huge man-made lake, which is the old royal exclusive possession of a hong qing pool. Houhai is located in the center of Beijing, only four or five stops away from tian 'anmen square. It is connected with the famous north sea water, far away from jingshan and the Forbidden City. Walking along the coast, you will see the blue tile ,red wall along the way. Only the tall and solemn trees in the courtyard could be seen outside the big and solemn gates. There is a lingering mystery. It is said that the waters of houhai are connected with the dragon vein of the imperial palace, which has been a land of feng shui since ancient times. Therefore, the eminent monks of the past dynasties built temples and temples here, while the princes and princes chose to build government gardens on the shore. Therefore, the saying goes, "shichahai first, then Beijing city".



Marshal xu, who is known to all, once inscribed the name of liuyin wenming street for liuyin street. In those days, marshal xu qian was appointed to the north of the street, that is, to the north of Liguang Bridge. Similarly, we will see Liguang Bridge during the tour. The origin of Liguang Bridge: it is said that Liguang, a great general of ancient times, won the war and came back. He walked into Desheng Gate and cross the Desheng Bridge finally came to this bridge so the bridge was named Liguang Bridge. In the early 1950s, the river was changed into a dark channel, Liguang Bridge was also demolished, and the street was renamed liuyin street for planting willow trees.

It is said that there are thousands of tricycles in this area alone. Many Chinese and foreign tourists are walking along the street with a map.



七月,盛夏时光,我们相聚首都师范国际文化学院,这里是2018级同学们梦想开始的地方。人生的有趣在于,没有人可以回到过去重新开始,但谁都可以从现在开始,书写一个全然不同的结局。暑假班周末老北京文化之旅结束了,相信同学们在这次经历中又有了新的体验和感悟。加油吧,和小伙伴们一起,努力成为更好的自己!首师大国际教育与你一起携手前行!(首师大国际教育教学部  岳娅供稿)


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